Frequently asked questions
If this list of FAQs does not answer your question, please give us a call at (720)-710-2166
For appliances that break down frequently or are used intensely, we have annual and monthly service subscription packages which can make repair services cost-effective for you in the long run. (Link to service packages here)
The guarantee can vary based upon manufacturer’s policies. Your assigned technician will be more than happy to assist you with this.
We base our labor rates on a nationally recognized pricing guide. Please feel free to ask upfront about our pricing structure. We have no problem disclosing our current rates and how estimates are generated.
Yes! We leave your space as clean as we found it after we are done with repairs.
We have developed strong relationships with local manufacturers in Denver and know how to help your appliance get the parts it needs.
Whether in warranty or out, we have the certifications and knowledge to diagnose the problem with your appliance and repair it.
We are happy to repair appliances under warranty and/or covered by homeowner insurance.

We are Proud to Be an Authorized Service Partner